Try, Try and Try Again - 2nd Semester 2020

Next week our Campus Outreach Belo Horizonte team will have our semester planning as we continue to try, try and try again to regroup, reinvent and re-up our efforts to do ministry in the conorovirus reality. At least now we know what to expect - sort of.

Belo Horizonte has had an up-and-down reality with COVID-19, and currently the situation is still far from stable. We are closing our dry, winter months here, so we are still in peak cold and flu season - aggravants in the midst of a viral pandemic. UFMG, our primary campus, was hit hard with uncertainty and limitations during the initial phases of quarantine as a public, federal university that offers free education to its students. Because not everyone in our context has access to online classes, UFMG was simply forced to interrupt activities until an inclusive plan could be put into place for all students. Therefore, since March, all undergraduate activities have been on hiatus. Next week, in August, the university will resume the first semester of 2020 via online and distance classes.

Up until now, the vast majority of our contacts and young Christians had a lot of free time, since UFMG abruptly halted activities. However, we now know that the rest of the year will be a crunch for them, since they will be cramming 1.5 semesters into the rest of this year and the beginning of 2021. Students' free time was a commodity of which we were able to take advantage, but that will soon be in short supply.

We do not expect to be back on campus this year, and we understand our students will have many academic demands.

We are trying to seek God's direction and continue to be faithful in personal relationships via social distancing and virtual options. It really has us depending on God for any and all fruit - but it is still happening! New conversions, Bible studies starting, discipleship groups having the best quality time they ever have had, and young leaders being trained. As you can see in the group pic above, there are blessings in the madness. God is still sovereign.

Yellow Mangos & Tube Socks

The title is just because what nobody can stand is another "coronavirus update." Truthfully, I've eaten a lot of mangos recently, and I wear long socks everyday because there are mosquitoes under my desk in my office - so there you go.

The new coronavirus has made life and ministry much different than planned the past month. Our reality in Belo Horizonte is much like everyone else's. BH is a large metropolis; therefore, measures have been implemented to make sure the health system is not overloaded. No school, non-essential commerce extremely limited, social distancing - the whole 9 yards.

Personally, it is a challenge with A LOT of time in the house all together. It has been such a blessing to live in a house now, with outside options. The kids are still at ages where they desire a lot of interaction and dynamic changes of what is going on. That's not a bad thing, it's good quality time - but it is a change. Tension can grow, patience can wear thin, and bedtime, sometimes, cannot come soon enough! Our family style and being in ministry give to a very fluid structure, but the current reality has given way to a whole new form of fluidity. It's hard to prioritize urgent demands from the team, online meetings, time with kids, time with God, personal time - some days we don't do it well - and we are thankful for the joy that comes every new morning (Psalm 30:5).

Ministry has been a complete change of routine. It's been a whirlwind of figuring out how to do social distance with a team ministry that is based on face-to-face relationships on a closed college campus. My role is primarily in leading staff and the macro-ministry on campus. That is a challenge when nothing macro is really feasible! But as a team we have had a lot to interact together - because this is just hard. Our team is young, several non-Brazilians, and it's a lot to deal with. We continue to press hard in personal ministries, going deeper with discipleship groups and with students who are already engaged in a personal search for God.

One specific element that has been on my plate is that our local church is on the tail end of a pastor-search process and, currently, I am the church Session President. I am leading the search process and also am responsible for our Session meetings and decisions - and let's just say we have had many uncommon decisions to make recently. There is no game plan to rely on. It is a new way of practicing what a local church body looks like. It has been refreshing, but has also required a significant investment of time and energy.

Lastly, I want to be honest. I am not a fan of online meetings, conference calls and remote interaction. It is ok when needed, but using this as the foundation of almost every interaction I have outside my immediate family is not my cup of tea. But we press on!

Thank you for all the messages of encouragement. Please send more messages and prayers, it helps immensely!

2020 Starting Block


The new year has already been with us for a month. In Brazil, the new year is smack in the middle of summer, so it has a slower pace. We spent January in the US for our vacation time and Tathiana and I spent a week at a “Marriage Intensive” in Rome, GA (ask me more and I’ll tell you all about it). We took our long voyage through multiple flights, airports and exhaustion to get home just in time to see February make it’s appearance.

We are back to our life, poised at the 2020 starting block, ready to start the next yearly race!

  • We surpassed our Multiples of 40 1-Time Campaign goal! The goal was $10k and we ended the last quarter of 2019 with a total of $11,100. Thank you so much to all who donated and prayed.

  • The city of Belo Horizonte has been pounded by record-setting rains this month(estimated at 1000mm - 40 inches). The city has regions that suffered from floods, landslides and structural damage that all together lead to over 50 deaths. Everyone is still talking about it.

  • The kids started back to school already, their school supplies and materials still slowly coming in as we find out what we forgot to purchase or gather.

  • Classes at UFMG do not start until March, so this month we will have our annual planning meetings, extra time with students who live in the city and special projects that different staff groups are working on (support raising, language classes, leadership team meetings to discuss the year and upcoming changes).

  • 2020 will be the transition year for Pedro Albuquerque to take on the Regional Director role, and I want to help facilitate this transition between Demps, our veteran Regional Director, and Pedro as much as possible.

  • Our local church will be continue the process of searching for a new lead pastor/elder. I will be involved in helping facilitate this process with a small commission from our church.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we get geared up for the race of 2020.

I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:23-24)

Prosa na Praia 2019 - Recap

Our annual Beach Project has come to a close. Another “Prosa na Praia 2019” is in the books!

It was a good one. So many people we hoped would come did, and so many others, also. We were hoping for 60, we had over 70! Young students, learning to not only walk in their faith, but to lead, also. Staff growing in capacity and leadership. And so many other students at the crossroads of belief.

The hustle and bustle is now over, but the work continues. Please labor in prayer with us for these students. January is summer break in Brazil, but we will continue to track and connect with students.

Prayer for 2 Guys


In the last post, Ministry Front - 2019, I spoke of a few Bible studies in which I have helped lead. This post is to ask for prayer for 2 guys in one of these Bible studies.

I have told them I am praying for them to have faith, for God to grant them faith, to quicken their souls and for a transformative understanding of grace, the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Now I want ask you, also, to pray for the - Daniel and Gabriel.

Daniel and Gabriel have great questions. They have a great desire for real answers to their questions about God, the gospel, justice, grace and mercy. Their commitment to our Bible study has been steadfast. Their attention to the passages we have studied that highlight the essence of the gospel has been unquestionable. We have studies texts like Ephesians 2:1-10, Colossians 1:13-23, Romans 3, and others.

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:44

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Please pray for them. Pray for a regenerated heart. For a step of faith to trust in the grace of God through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

Part 2: Ministry Front - 2019

(This update is going to be split into 2 parts, to help summarize and paint a picture of the past 6 months. This part is an update on the Ministry Front, the other in an update on the Family Front.)

The mere fact that 2019 has not seen a single update from us is an indication that it has been a busy year. Yes, the Family Front has been busy, but so has the Ministry Front. I will try to summarize below based on my current roles.

Area Director & Campus Director: My role as Area Director is to oversee the campus teams and help lead and coach the Campus Directors of each team. Interestingly, 2019 began without a Campus Director for either of our campus teams. Demps Dempsey, our Regional Director, and I stepped into interim Campus Director roles for 2019. That means a good bit more time back on campus, leading young staff directly in their personal ministries, and thinking for the strategy and execution on the campuses. My specific campus team at UFMG is composed of 6 staff. I, also, am trying to keep my ear to the ground for both campus teams and our English Initiative team in terms of relationships moving forward in their investigation of Jesus and discipleship. I have enjoyed being back to the grassroots, relationship-based reality of the campus dynamic. I have led two Bible Studies with students the past two semesters. However, both of these roles in themselves are full-time. Meaning, any given day has some give and take as to which “hat” I am wearing.

Resource/Admin: This year I fully handed the reigns of the Resource/Admin team to Pedro Albuquerque. He has done a wonderful job, and the Resource team continues to serve our entire team tirelessly and effectively. However, there were some things that I was not able to pass on last year to the Resource Team - most importantly the Visa and Residency processes in Brazil for our non-Brazilian staff (15+ American and 1 South African). In 2018, Brazil’s newly approved Immigration Laws were being put into action. We were only finding our bearings toward the end of 2018, and now in 2019 I am passing on the baton for these processes to the Resource Team with the help of Fabiana (Resource Staff) and her husband (our Legal consultant) - my Brazilian in-laws!

Leadership Team: The past 18 months have brought many conversations and meetings for the Leadership Team to help the entire team focus on contribution, team dynamics and health (physical, emotional/mental, spiritual). That has meant some hard and heavy conversations and some team members moving on or entering into a time of sabbatical/furlough. Also, the past 6 months have been exciting as we discuss the direction for our leadership structure for the next season - how to become more Brazilian, more contextualized and organizationally less dependent on outside resources. Next year, there will be more updates about what that will look like over the next 3-5 years.

Local Church: On September 16th, our church pastor, Daniel Souza, officially ended his tenure as our pastor at Comunidade Horizonte. His family’s four years at our church, his leadership and his teaching was transformative in the life of our church at just the right time. They left with many tears after making a difficult decision to move on to their next place of ministry. With Daniel’s absence, our church elders, myself included, will continue to lead the church. We will have an interim pastor who will take on the bulk of the teaching responsibilities for the next year as we seek God to call our next pastor. I will also be taking on some greater leadership as the Session President until our next pastor is installed.

It is a lot. I don’t pretend it’s not. But I have consciously been saying “no” to some other roles and appointments. Also, Tathiana and I have begun weekly counseling (some weeks individually, others together). Please pray that I, also, will be a loving husband, father and most importantly stay grounded in my relationship with Jesus through the Word and Prayer.

He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. (Colossians 1:28-29)