Sara Isabel Elam, born Oct 26th, 2016
The fact that this is month late in announcing tells a lot about how the transition from 1 child to 2 has gone for mom and dad. But no matter how many non-quality-rest nights and how hectic running around a busy big city with two small ones gets, we are so very happy and excited to welcome the newest Elam baby to the world and to our craziness that we call life!
Sara Isabel Elam arrived at 8:07am on October 26th, healthy and quiet. She was 6 lbs, 2 oz (2.660 kg) and 18 in (46 cm). Mom and baby girl had a non-eventful stay at the hospital, and we all went home in a a few days.
Isaac is getting used to the idea of "Baby Sara" and is already asking to hold her and help when she cries. He's going to be a great big brother.
At some point in 2017 we will likely make a trip to the US and then you all can see that she's the cutest baby ever. Until then, please pray for our little girl, her growth and health and for mom and dad to get some rest!