A) Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND: B) Brisbane, AUSTRALIA: C) Khon Kaen, THAILAND: D) Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA: E) Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL: F) Augusta, GA - USASix men in six different countries, in six different time zones, on five different continents and of three different nationalities connected via a video conference call last Wednesday, December 5, 2012. I know that happens all the time these days, but it was a first for me.
All five of the international Campus Outreach ministries and one administration facilitator spent over an hour talking about the administration needs that each one is facing. The goal was to encourage an exchange of experience and knowledge about how to move forward and help out campus ministries thrive in their different organizational contexts.
It was the first of many such global connections to come. I, personally, relished the time to hear from other Resource Directors of other CO franchises about what they are facing and how similar it is to what we are trying to build and integrate here in Belo Horizonte. I want to help our ministry gain infrastructure that helps our relational campus ministry thrive on what we do best, and help take care of our staff for the long-haul of evangelism and discipleship on the universities here in Brazil.