Lonely BH, Once Again

Empty streets in BH due to COVID-19

Empty streets in BH due to COVID-19

Belo Horizonte (BH) is a lonely place, once again.

Our city has retreated back to only essential services as of Friday, March 5th. The COVID-19 scenario in Brazil and BH has worsened, and vaccination has not shaped up to be as organized or wide-spread as needed at this moment.

In the last weeks, we had the first in-person ministry event with students of the year, and our church was weekly increasing the number of people participating in-person. Everything has screeched to a halt for now, and we will be going back to basing our efforts and events via online access and socially-distanced formats.

It is a hard reality to accept, as things were ramping up, new relationships, depth of in-person interaction and studies. Pray for us! Pray for Brazil.

Vitor & Pedro through the Pipeline

Vitor Pedro Pri Pipeline cropped 2021.jpg

We talk about the idea of "pipelines" in terms of staffing for Campus Outreach. A larger number of students and young Christians go into the pipeline at one end, and out the other end comes a smaller number of laborers poised to join our team in full-time ministry. This is NOT the goal of our ministry. The goal is Christ-centered laborers for every walk life in every aspect of society and church. However, we do seek out those who would join us if they desire and if the fit is right.

Vitor (pictured, middle) joined our team this year for a 1-year internship. He came to Christ in college a few years ago, and is excited about the possibility of a life called to ministry. This is a special moment for our team as Vitor is the first male Brazilian staff we have hired specifically for the campus ministry in 9 years. Our pipelines are small and slow moving on the campus here in Brazil, but fruit is being borne!

Another aspect of our pipeline is how we as a ministry develop leaders. Pedro (pictured, right) is fruit of our leadership pipeline. I have spoken to many personally, shared at a few churches and included in updates about Pedro's process the last few years. As of last year, Pedro is the new Regional Director over our team and ministry in Belo Horizonte. It is very fulfilling to see him in this role, not only because he is stepping up and facing the challenge head-on, but because in it I see God's faithfulness. I met Pedro when he was only 15. Today, he is my Director!

100% Year-End Goal

Before the year of 2020 laid its burdensome self to rest, our partners had already given hope for 2021. We reached 100%, and even beyond, our $6500 goal before January 1, 2021.

We are hopeful, humbled and honored to be part of a group of people who are committed to what God is doing in Belo Horizonte. To Him be the glory.

2020 Year-End Giving

What a year, am I right? 2020 brought several new things to our lives. And 2020 has also continued to bring some common realities. Year-End giving is one of those things that continues to be very important to our sustainability on the field.

For the past three years, Year-End giving, special one-time gifts, campaigns and the like have been the lifeline that our support account needed to be able to sustain the following year. This year is no different. 2020, COVID-19, quarantine was tough for life-on-life ministry, but the loss of a few more supporters has made these final months a bit tougher. Year-End giving is as vital as previous years.

We are aiming to raise $6500 in Year-End, one-time giving in December 2020 and January 2021 in order to realistically expect to finish 2021 in the black.

If any of our faithful supporters are able, we ask that you consider participating as so many have in the previous few years; and even ask new year-end givers to participate this year. 

We continue to believe in what we are doing here in Brazil. We pray that God would use our wonderful support team to continue to supply for our needs.

For online giving, follow this link: www.campusoutreach.org/donate/jon-elam

Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!

Thankful 2020

This season of thanksgiving, we give thanks to you who support us in so many ways. As Jesus said, "...unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:23-26

Thank you each for being living examples of wheat that has produced beyond imagination!

Jon, Tathiana and family

A New Friend and Co-Laborer

Rafael and family with our family (my kids have “issues” with group pics).

Rafael and family with our family (my kids have “issues” with group pics).

The year of 2020 has been a strain on most relationships for most people; a dark year concerning depth of friendships. For me, the charge to continue firm in the midst of darkness in Phillipians 2 to "shine like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life," brought me alongside a new friend who has become one of my many "Band of Brothers". Rafael Santos, our local church's new pastor, despite all the challenges, maybe due to all the challenges, is a relationship that has been a blessing to me.

In March, I posted a quick blurb about Rafael officially being confirmed by our church as the new pastor on Instagram and Facebook. He had been serving as our interim pastor since July of 2019, so this was not a brand new relationship. However, beginning with his official calling to our church, Comunidade Horizonte, we began to relate closer and deeper, and even scheduled a weekly meeting to discuss a wide range of subjects from church, strategy, families and personal issues.

Our families took a short trip together in July, and it was great to sit down each night, the two couples, and talk for hours about life, ministry, faith and future! They have let us into their lives with no reservations, and it has been such a breath of fresh air.

I am currently the President of our church's Session of Elders; so our relationship is needed, strategic and purposeful as the Campus ministry and the Church have a direct relationship. But it is much more than that! It has been great to have a new friend, brother-in-Christ, and co-laborer with whom to walk along the challenging road of ministry.

Leader's Training & Gazillions of Zooms

1º Encontro Apresentação - Treinamento de Líderes - 09-2020.jpg

Leader's Training

On Saturday, September 26th, I had the privilege of leading the first of a series of video meetings via Zoom with our Campus Staff team and a group of student leaders to dig into a demanding subject - LEADERSHIP. I loved seeing these students excited to meet and talk about leadership on a Saturday morning. Remember, I work with college students, Saturday mornings are rarely the best option, but they themselves picked this time because they wanted to be sure there was no competition.

One student made it all worth it when she said, "I often think of a leader only as those who have a huge impact or someone far beyond my ability to influence, so I had all but given up on the idea of being a leader. But, seeing and hearing that God uses people differently, for larger or smaller impacts, and that a Christian's calling to follow Jesus is synonymous with influencing and leading others toward God has given me new hope in being a leader."

Zoom Prosa screen 09-2020.jpg

Gazillions of Zooms

Just like so many others in the world, COVID-19 has not stopped life from marching on, but it has increased video meetings a gazillion-fold. We are no different!

  • In August, our team had a 10-session Training Course with our church pastor about a Christian Worldview.

  • Each throughout the month, I have meetings with our Campus team, Leadership team, entire COBH team, bible-studies, workshops and church Elder Session.

  • In September, our team met for a 4-session Evangelism Training workshop.

  • Our team has begun a type of group discussion for students who are really asking great questions about Jesus and how He is relevant to their spiritual reality via Zoom.

  • There is, also, the home dynamic of Isaac having school via Zoom 5 days a week!

  • And, not necessarily Zoom, but part of our team is taking an online course at the School of Biblical Counseling of CCEF, "Dynamics of Biblical Change." It involved several hours of lecture and reading per week.

Our personal connections have begun to increase as the situation normalizes here in Belo Horizonte, therefore, please continue to pray for us as we venture out, face Zoom fatigue and walk by faith and share the hope and the good news of Jesus.